Cirque de l’encombrette

  • Vaste paysage du haut-Verdon en été, l'Encombrette et le col des Champs.
Verdon Tourisme > Cirque de l’encombrette

You will need to be in good physical condition if you want to marvel at the Cirque de l’encombrette, which is remarkable for its geology, its lakes and its rocks which were polished by the former glacier. The Pas de l’Échelle, a rocky guardian which prot

15.4 km
Round trip

The path is bordered by deciduous trees and crosses fields which were formerly cultivated. Once you have gone between the boulders known as “La Portette”, you will see the view over the Eichanet ravine, enclosed by the Muletiers mountains.
The path provides access to areas which were formerly inhabited and the land used: Girard, les Chapelles, Lamberet and les cabanes du Maître. On the other side, the splendid forest of Ratery comes to an end on the col des Champs, an ancient passage to le Val d’Entraunes.
L’Adroit des Muletiers is so imposing that it appears to put an insurmountable end to the hike. But the Pas de l’Echelle path makes into a mere obstacle course, allowing you to reach le cirque de l’Encombrette with a degree of ease.
Just like a giant shell, the glacial cirque spreads out; beautiful lakes carved into the rocks gleam below it. The hike comes to an end on the shores of these lakes.
However, the path does continue, allowing the most adventurous hikes to reach the col de l’Encombrette, with views spreading over the lac d’Allos cirque.
Follow the same route on the return journey.

Difficulté = Hard

  • Markup

    Balisage Petite Randonée

  • Difference in level

    1158m ( Positive : 1158m - Negative : 1158m )

  • References

    Guidebooks :

  • Prices

    Free of charge.

Ancienne auberge fleurie
04370 Allos-en